Being organized and planning your finances is essential for you to achieve success. Whether it’s an emergency plan or a plan for the future, keeping your account up to date and saving it is a challenge for everyone. It’s not about using the best tools in the world, nor about learning your personal budget from the greatest experts.
Of course, organizing your finances is, above all, a personal choice. It requires a change of attitude, new habits and patience, and a lot of patience.
In this article, I will share some important tips to help you manage your budget in a simple and effective way.
How to organize your accounts: check out the golden tips
Before I provide you with 6 financial tips to make your personal accounting finally work, we need to talk about responsibilities.
Organizing your accounts is one of the steps towards financial success and a more peaceful life.
But this needs to be a daily commitment, so be honest with yourself before you try using the tools and suggestions in this article.
It is up to me to lead an organized life. Therefore, to do this, I must organize my accounts, exercise financial control and learn to save money.
When my salary is a little higher and certain things in my personal life are resolved, I will focus on issues of financial control and housing budget.
If you choose answer 2, I suggest you read this text at least twice. There is a lot of other content on financial education, which is also available for free on this website.
On the other hand, if you choose the first answer, then you have already decided what needs to be done.
Here are some tips:
6 tips on how to organize your finances:
Well, the truth is that providing tips to help people build better finances is always a challenge. After all, its interpretation is subjective. I suggest that you try to absorb the concepts described in each technique, and then consider how to put them into practice.
Remember: First and foremost, your financial plan needs to work for you.
If you have trouble controlling your expenses, start small. The important thing is to always start and progress. Check out these tips:
- Be realistic with your financial side
This problem seems obvious, but when always considering the net amount available in the account, many people remember the total salary.
There are indeed many benefits, but these benefits will be deducted from your total salary. There are other issues to consider, such as taxes and fixed monthly bills.
How much does it cost? Do you know how to spend your hard-earned money every month?
I think you have an idea, but I don't know the details. Am I right? Start recording your monthly expenses and categorizing them in an organized and easy-to-understand way.
Organize all your personal expenses this way, you will be able to understand your income and expenses.
- Create limits and end your debts
Debt creates very dangerous dependencies. It makes you a slave to money. Many people think they can buy more products with credit. However, with the increase in installments and financing, it is easy to get out of control.
To avoid this, learn to use spending limits for each expense in your budget. For example, why spend more than 10% of your monthly net income budget?
Or is it 30% of housing? Adjust and comply with the limits.
- Get out of the red: create priorities!
In Brazil, a life full of debt is very expensive. Interest rates on debt are high and the accumulation of bills will produce a huge snowball effect.
So if you have outstanding bills, the first step to getting your finances in order is to clear them as soon as possible. List all your debts.
Know what you owe, the interest involved, and make a payment plan. Make sure to renegotiate as much as possible.
If you have a lot of bills to pay, start with bills with higher interest rates, higher fees, and older bills.
Here are some tips:
- Use less credit card
The convenience of a credit card contrasts with the debt it offers to those who cannot manage their funds properly.
The card is not to blame. It does nothing. In fact, if used correctly, it can be an interesting tool. Now, if you have any problems with credit card debt, choose the option of purchasing with a debit card and in cash.
If you can't stop using it, at least avoid splitting your purchase too many times.
Many installments often cause confusion because it is almost impossible to remember all the fees that were charged on the invoice. Not to mention that many installments involve benefits.
Remember: Even if you can track and/or access your bills online, overpayments can still be a major drain on your cash flow. Finally, try to set a reasonable limit for your credit card usage and pay your bill in full and on time.
Using this method, your credit card can have positive effects, such as redeeming points on other products. In addition to improving your Serasa score.
- Carry out well-structured planning and control of your finances.
The first rule when organizing your personal finances is simple: spend less than your income and save some of the difference. It may seem simple, but in practice it is not at all easy.
The ability of people who can do this is called financial control. That’s right: control. Anyone who can live a controlled lifestyle will live that way because they are very aware of how much money they make and how they spend it.
Therefore, to create a sufficient family budget, it is necessary to correctly classify expenses and control monthly cash flow.
- Save money
Many people think that saving money is stupid because “you only get to live once.” However, it is naive to think that way. When it becomes a gift, the investment is also ready to be consumed in the future.
After all, we will all grow old and need resources. Besides, it is precisely because “you only get to live once” that you want to make your dream come true, right?
And unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you'll want to save money if you want to buy your own home, own the car you want, or make your trip unforgettable.
That's why saving money can't be a sacrifice, something complicated and difficult. For you and your family, staying alive should be a wise and precious choice.
Once you have your account in order, start depositing 5% of your income. Then gradually increase the pressure, don't stress, don't rush. But please, start.