Learn how to save money to invest in projects

 When you think you are free from the topic of “financial education”, life proves the opposite to you? Even after getting out of debt and clearing your name, do you still feel the need to understand more about saving money and the endless possibilities? Come with us!

Many people manage to organize their finances but end up having doubts when it comes to taking a step forward and learning how to save money by organizing for the future. If you have a project that hasn't come to fruition yet, or would like to have one but don't know how to plan, don't get stuck and follow the tips we've put together for you!

How important is it to save money?

Saving money is a very important step in any financial organization project. After all, this reserve allows you to avoid being caught off guard and still be able to achieve your dreams in the short, medium and long term.

One of the most common questions about this topic is, mainly, how much should you save per month. In fact, there is no exact amount, as it all depends on your financial situation.

An interesting way to consider when saving money is to think about saving around R$10% to R$15% of your net income – that is, after all deductions – monthly. So, let's assume that your net salary is R$2,000, the ideal scenario is to be able to save at least R$200 after paying off all debts (to help you with these calculations, you can always use financial organization apps).

How to save money to complete goals?

That said, here are some tips to help you start saving and investing in your dreams!

Think about what this project means to you.

If you’re just starting to plan and are unsure whether you’ll be able to save enough money, think about what this project represents: will it make you happier? Have you wanted this for a long time? Will it help you achieve other goals?

If the answer to these and other questions is yes, you will be truly motivated to achieve your goals! Therefore, a good tip is to follow the next steps.

Define the cost of your project

First of all, do the math and determine how much the project in question will cost. At this point, include all the expenses you can foresee and add an extra amount for unplanned expenses.

In the case of a trip, for example, add up the costs of transportation (whether tickets or gasoline), accommodation, the attractions you want to visit and also an estimate of how much you will spend on food and local shopping.

In the case of renovations, remember the costs of materials and labor and include an amount for possible unforeseen events (which almost always happen).

Make a calendar

Making a calendar and keeping track of the days left until you achieve your dream can be a great motivation. Making this wait more visual can be an extra incentive to save money.

Create goals and deadlines

Set a goal to achieve by a certain date. When you set a date and an amount to save, it’s easier to save money without compromising your entire monthly income. When you set this goal, remember your personal projects and use that as motivation.

#Extra tip: when setting your spending goals or making your financial plan, always round up your expenses and round down your income. That way, even if something unexpected happens to your household bills, you won't stray too far from your plan and it will be easier to save extra money.

Pay all bills on the same day

Change the due date of your fixed bills to the same date, preferably right after your payment is due. This will make it easier to organize all your debts, because you will pay everything you need at once and have a better idea of how much money is left to get you through the month.

Involve family members

Organizing your finances is not a task for just one person in the house. You need to get into the habit of talking about money with your spouse and children. So, involve your family members in these goals, explain your monthly income and talk about the need to save money.

This conversation is always valid, but it becomes even more important when the plans involve everyone in the house, such as family trips or home renovations. In these cases, talking to your children and explaining that saving money is what will make these dreams possible is essential!

Plan even with variable income

Self-employed people have a harder time saving money, after all, it's impossible to know for sure how much you'll earn each month. A good tip is to calculate your average salary over the last 12 months. Take advantage of this opportunity to analyze your minimum and maximum earnings and whether seasonality affects your income.

From there, it will be easier to start your planning. Start by listing your essential expenses and make sure they are compatible with your minimum income. That way, in the months when you exceed the average, you will be able to save more.

Rethink your lifestyle

When shopping, for example, avoid using your credit card so much and try to go shopping with cash or just a debit card, that way you will know how much you can spend (if you want tips on how to save money at the supermarket, just click here!).

When it comes to leisure activities, these small changes can also be made to save money, but without compromising your quality of life. Instead of going out every day of the weekend, for example, choose just one day and create other plans with your family on the rest. It is also worth using coupons, getting to know cashback platforms, opting for promotional dishes and enjoying free cultural programs.

Treat monthly savings as just another expense
To avoid the “temptation” of using the money that would be saved on other types of purchases, the tip is to view this percentage as a fixed expense. When you make your planning, include this amount and, on the same day that you pay all your bills, send this amount to your savings account.

Save extra money

How do you usually use vacations, your 13th salary, FGTS and other extra income in your planning? If you want to save money to achieve your goals, the tip is to save these amounts. After all, you may not need them now, but unforeseen events can happen and this extra reserve can help you a lot in these moments.

Define how you will invest your money

Saving money can be complicated, but the worst thing is investing it incorrectly and not being able to achieve your goals. Therefore, there are several possibilities, depending on your goal.

For emergency savings or short-term projects, it is important to choose an investment that has high liquidity, that is, one that you can withdraw the invested amount quickly, without losing money. Savings accounts are an alternative that works in this case, as is a CDB.

For long-term investments, you can opt for options with low liquidity and higher profitability, such as investment funds, Treasury Direct or Private Pensions.

After all these tips, is it easier to think of ways to save money?