How to Sell PLR eBooks and Earn Extra Income

Among all the problems that the pandemic has caused, in addition to the deaths of millions of people, one thing that we can highlight is the increase in the unemployment rate, which in turn has affected thousands of mothers, fathers and other heads of families, therefore forcing them to reinvent themselves in order to overcome the situation.

Since there has been a drastic drop in the number of hires, the only alternative is to start working on your own. To do this, you would need to define the area you want to enter and then start investing, whether by selling clothes, food, services in general, or even working with the internet.


Os 5 passos de como ganhar dinheiro vendendo ebooks

Working online is a great option for people who want to earn extra income (in some cases, even a fixed income) without having to make an initial investment. And the best part is that within this large market, there are several areas in which you may be interested, such as selling e-books.

However, before you can go out there and sell e-books, it is essential that you have some tips, which in turn, will provide you with greater profit. Therefore, to get more detailed information on this subject, we suggest that you continue reading and check out all the content that this brief and explanatory article has to offer.


How to sell e-books – Tip 1

Define the theme of your e-book

This is one of the most important tips for you to obtain good results when selling your e-book: establish its theme.

The options for themes that an e-book can have are diverse, which often ends up leaving many people lost.

One tip we have to offer is that you focus on a single topic, because there is no point in covering several topics in a single book without going into depth (at least correctly) on at least one of them.

In other words, focus on a topic, even if it is something small, and get the best possible view on it, we guarantee that this will attract several readers.

Another interesting alternative to how you can write your e-book and bring positive results is to define a theme that is broader and then delve into a specific point, which you have rarely seen anyone doing; this will make the competition decrease.

It is also important to take into account that the topic you will focus your e-book on is something that people will really be interested in.

How to sell e-books – Tip 2

Have a good platform for advertising

Before you can even make your e-book available for sale, it is essential that you have a good platform.

Before you can choose any one, it is important that you take into consideration some questions, such as:

  • How can I be absolutely sure that the correct payment for my e-book is being made?
  • How do I make it available once it's ready?
  • How can I be sure that it will not be plagiarized?

Plus a few other things…

It is important that the chosen platform is not only recognized in the industry, but also consolidated, especially because it will be the one responsible for handling the money coming from payments made by its consumers.

To help you at this crucial moment in selling an e-book, you can contact other info producers to find out which platform they used.

How to sell e-books – Tip 3

Set a value

Another extremely important step to getting engagement in selling your e-books is to establish a value.

The value, in turn, must be established based mainly on two questions, namely:

  • accessible to the vast majority of potential consumers;
  • fair and advantageous to you.

Although it may seem like a difficult task, there are some tricks you can use to find out the ideal value for your e-book and, of course, the most important thing is research.

The search for values among other e-books like yours is extremely important, since the lack of it can end up resulting in a great devaluation of your product, or even in its extreme appreciation, which, as is already clear, is not advantageous to anyone.

It is extremely important that your comparison has some basis, that is, compare your product only with things that are at the same level.

The level we are referring to takes into account the following issues: topic, size and number of interested people.

Here are some tips:

How to sell e-books – Tip 4

Invest in advertising

To conclude this article, all we have left is to present the very important tip that you invest in advertising techniques, which in turn will provide you with greater engagement.

To do this, you can create business pages on various social networks, such as: Facebook and Instagram.

Asking people close to you to share the e-book announcement and sending some emails to your contacts are also another way to invest in advertising.