Social CNH: Step by step to apply

See the requirements and the step-by-step guide to requesting your CNH Social for free, and start enjoying the countless benefits of having your driver's license! If you ever dreamed of being able to drive but didn't have enough money to pay for theoretical and practical classes, now you don't need to worry anymore, CNH Social guarantees that the entire procedure is free of charge. Come see how to get your social benefit!

The main objective of the project is to increase accessibility for low-income populations and ensure all essential training for driving cars and motorcycles. Therefore, the course is free and offers the same quality of training. This demonstrates the government's care and concern for the population.

The benefit of the Social CNH is valid both for obtaining the Category A (cars) as for the category B (motorcycles). It is worth remembering that among the mandatory criteria are the requirement of a minimum age of 18 years and being a participant in the Bolsa Família program or other social programs included in the official list of the Government. In addition to some other bureaucratic requirements that will also be presented in this article. Just follow all the rules, and you will soon have access to your long-awaited driver's license.

  • ID;
  • Mother's name;
  • Address;
  • Proof of income for the entire family;
  • Date of birth;
  • CPF;
  • Social security number;


  • Mato Grosso do Sul;
  • Roraima.
  • To;
  • Holy Spirit;
  • Sergipe;
  • Federal District;
  • Rio Grande do Norte;
  • Pernambuco;
  • Amazon;
  • Goias;
  • Paraiba;
  • Acre;
  • Alagoas.

How does the Social CNH work?

The main difference between issuing a Social Driver's License is that this program does not belong to the DMV, which is why it can be obtained free of charge. This means that the application is made through the State entity itself, guaranteeing that it is free of charge. DMV alone cannot offer free issuance of new documents, but the State is able to offer special benefits that make up for this impossibility, providing benefits that eliminate all costs, ensuring much greater accessibility and opportunities for the low-income population.

See right now what the requirements are to be able to apply for a free driver's license:


  • Do not exceed the limit of 2 minimum wages of family income;
  • Perform well at school;
  • Have no traffic violations 
  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Being unemployed for 1 year or more
  • Study in public schools;
  • Have a registration with CadÚnico;
  • Be a beneficiary of social programs;
  • Attend school and know how to read and write

The benefit gives preference to candidates with lower incomes, that is, even among those who are poor, there will be tiebreaker criteria and a preferential order. Those who have larger families or require more mobility will also have an additional priority in the benefit selection.

But if there is a tie in all criteria, the applicants who submitted the request first will have priority over the other applicants in the same category!

How do I request my benefit?

The application procedure is simple, just meet the mentioned requirements and have the following documents on hand.

Required documents:

  • NIS
  • Proof of personal and family income
  • CPF
  • Birth certificate
  • Mother's name
  • Proof of address

Although Detran does not provide the document directly, the procedure can be carried out directly on its official website. Simply access the Detran application related to its respective website and start the following step by step:

  • 1-Access the Detran website or application in your respective state;
  • 2-Look for CNH Social or CNH Gratuita or CNH Popular in the options
  • 3-Check the periods to be able to request registration.
  • 4-Register and wait for the respective approval and analysis period.
  • If you have trouble finding your state's app, you can search for ''Detran + Acronym of your state'' within the Detran's own search tab. This way you will find the version corresponding to your State more quickly.