Digital CNH: Download without leaving home

Avoid the risk of being fined for forgetting your license. Your daily life can become much safer and more practical with new digital technology! The new Driver's License model could be the solution you are looking for!

Do you want to get your Digital CNH without having to go to Detran? We will teach you a simple and quick method to acquire the digital version of your document for free! For more information click the button below!

Thanks to new technologies, it has become possible to drive without carrying your documents in your pocket, now you no longer need to be afraid of forgetting your wallet at home! This is all thanks to the fact that Digital CNH can be accessed directly on your cell phone! 

  • Free Digital Update
  • Access to Digital CRLV
  • Installation can be done without having to go to the DMV
  • Reduces the chances of being fined
  • It has the same documentary value as the physical version.
  • More technology and practicality

Although the Digital CNH was launched in 2018, it became widely used after 2020. Today, it already provides several advantages for the lives of Brazilians. With the "digital driving license" you will no longer need to carry the traditional CNH in your pocket, as the purpose of this document is to reduce the weight you carry, and ensure the convenience of accessing all documents through a single device, your cell phone! And the best part is that you can acquire this new version of the driver's license quickly and easily.

Another benefit that the Ministry of Cities pointed out is related to the guidelines for economy and ecology, since the digital format saves excessive expenses on new printing, also reducing the amount of paper wasted. In other words, in addition to the benefits granted to citizens, it also provides a significant step towards sustainability.

The digital modality is also known by the name of Digital National Driver's License. It is a new electronic version of the old and traditional CNH. Access is simple, and was made available through the government application, which can be accessed on any cell phone with internet access. 

It is worth noting that the digital version has exactly the same document power as the physical version, so you don't need to worry about that. Simply access the digital document through your cell phone and you will be up to date with your driver's obligations. No one will be able to fine you for driving without a document, as long as you have the app downloaded on your device.

The official CNH Digital app was created by the government and aims to help all Brazilians who tend to forget their documents at home. Now you can avoid these embarrassments, as long as you have a cell phone in your pocket and have the digital version of the document downloaded.

Requesting the digital version is free of charge, and the only requirement is to have the updated physical version of the CNH before requesting the digital version. Therefore, you will not need to spend anything if you already have an updated version of the physical document. Come find out how to check if your document is in the updated version!

Do you want to purchase a Digital CNH and enjoy the document's main features? Access the highlighted panel to see the step-by-step process for requesting it!