Digital CNH: Step by step to download on your cell phone

Check out the step-by-step guide to download your Digital CNH on your cell phone without having to leave your home! The procedure is simple, fast and free! Enjoy the benefits of the new digital functionality!

There is no longer any reason to be afraid of being stopped without a license during a police checkpoint, as your driver's license can be presented directly on your cell phone screen. The best part is that you can open the app even without internet, as it can be downloaded. In other words, not even connection or signal problems can get in your way. Everything has become more practical! See the step-by-step guide to applying for a Digital CNH!

The Digital CNH is available to all Brazilian citizens, so there are no restrictions. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that this option is optional; the physical version continues to have the same validity, so the digital version was created only to ensure greater practicality and ease in handling your documents. In addition to offering benefits and discounts for certain situations.

Yes, through the CNH Digital app you will have the benefit of obtaining discounts of up to 40% when paying your traffic fines. In addition, the digital document also reduces the chances of being fined, because even if you forget your license at home, you can still present the digital version through your cell phone, if you are stopped by an authority.

  • More practical access via cell phone.
  • Violation Alert: Provides data on fines through the platform
  • Additional security for sharing the Digital CRLV.
  • Free updates
  • Payment of Fines with Discount: Reduces the value of fines by up to 40%.
  • Recall Alert: The app notifies you of necessary recalls, giving details about vehicle defects
  • Automatic update of digital CNH and CRLV.
  • Reduces the chance of being fined
  • Free second copy
  • Acceptance throughout Brazilian territory.
  • Export, view and generate the National Driver's License 
  • Advance notice of driver's license expiration date

Step by step: download the Digital CNH on your cell phone

Follow our step-by-step guide to download the digital version on your cell phone:


1- Download the application made available by the government ''Digital Transit Wallet'' through your device's application store;

2- Register on the application and also on the service portal to be redirected to the activation screen;

3- Activate the Digital CNH by clicking on the “activate” link. The link will be sent directly to your email after completing the registration;

4- Log in to the application;

5- Click on the “add document” option to choose the Digital CNH option;

6- Choose the following icon “by cell phone”;

7- Scan the QR Code using your cell phone camera;

8- Complete the “proof of life” procedure by performing physical movements in front of your cell phone camera

9- Validate and provide your cell phone number to confirm the request

10- Create a four-digit password, and remember that it will be extremely important, as it will be requested every time you access the application.

To download the application on your cell phone, simply access the panel highlighted below:

To complete the installation of the application, it is important that you register on the official Federal Government platform. You just need to have an account on to complete access to your Digital CNH: