CEFET-MG: check out the 2023 competition

CEFET-MG is accepting applications for its 2023 public competition! The competition offers vacancies for teachers of basic, technical and technological education in various areas of activity.

To apply, you must have a degree in the area of interest and, in some cases, a postgraduate degree or doctorate. Applications can be submitted until March 30, 2023, through the website of the organizing committee.

Candidates will be assessed through a written test, a teaching performance test and an analysis of their qualifications. The written test will be held on May 28, 2023, and the teaching performance test will be held between July 18 and 20, 2023.

The salary for the positions varies according to the qualification and workload, and can reach R$ 9,616.18 for professors with a doctorate and a workload of 40 hours per week.

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the faculty of one of the most renowned educational institutions in the country! Apply now and get ready to win your place at CEFET-MG.

How does the contest work?

A public competition is a selection process to fill vacancies in public positions, in which selection is carried out through tests and assessments, which aim to measure the candidates' aptitude and knowledge to perform the functions of the position.

In the case of the CEFET-MG competition, the selection process consists of three stages: a written test, a test of didactic performance and an analysis of qualifications. The written test consists of objective and discursive questions, which assess the candidate's knowledge in the area of activity of the position.

Participating in a public competition can bring a series of benefits, both for the candidate and for society as a whole.

Here are some of the main benefits:

  1. Job stability: One of the biggest advantages of working in the public sector is job security. Once approved in a public service exam, the candidate becomes a civil servant, with job security and financial stability.
  2. Compensation and benefits: In general, the salaries and benefits offered to public servants are quite attractive, with well-structured career plans, the possibility of salary progression and other benefits, such as health insurance and retirement.
  3. Credibility: Passing a public exam is seen as an important achievement and is valued by society. Furthermore, working in the public sector gives the employee a certain credibility and respect in the community.
  4. Security: Working in the public sector also means having more security in relation to layoffs and economic instability. In times of financial crisis, for example, public servants tend to have more guarantees regarding the maintenance of their jobs and salaries.
  5. Possibility to contribute to society: Working in the public sector can also be a way of contributing to the well-being of society as a whole, since many of the activities carried out by public servants have a direct impact on people's lives.
  6. Challenges and professional development: Public competitions usually require intense preparation on the part of candidates, which can represent a stimulating challenge and an important factor in personal and professional development.

Participating in a public competition can offer many opportunities and benefits, both for the candidate and for society in general.

In addition to the stability and attractive remuneration, working in the public sector can be a way to contribute to the community and develop professionally.

How to apply for the CEFET-MG 2023 competition?

The application process for a public tender may vary depending on the organization responsible for the competition, but it generally follows some basic steps and procedures. Here are the basic steps to apply for a public tender:

  1. Choose the contest: First, you need to choose the competition you want to participate in. This can be done through public competition websites or by consulting notices published in official gazettes.
  2. Check the requirements: Before registering, it is important to check whether you meet all the requirements set out in the notice, such as minimum age, education and professional experience, for example.
  3. Register now: Registration is usually done online, on the website of the organizer responsible for the competition.. You must fill out a form with your personal details, choose the desired position or role and pay the registration fee.
  4. Confirm your subscription: After completing the form and paying the fee, it is important to confirm that your registration has been successful and that you have received proof of registration. Keep this proof carefully, as it will be required at various stages of the competition.
  5. Follow the stages of the contest: After registering, it is important to follow the stages of the competition, such as the publication of the preliminary answer key and the call for the next stages. Pay attention to the dates and deadlines so as not to miss any important stages.
  6. Prepare for the tests: Finally, it is important to prepare adequately for the tests, studying the content required by the notice and preparing yourself physically and mentally to face the selection process.

In short, to register for a public competition, you need to choose the competition, check the requirements, register, confirm your registration, follow the stages of the competition and prepare adequately for the tests.