Inquiry by CPF of Amounts Receivable: Step by Step

THE CPF query of forgotten values is an official initiative created by Central Bank in partnership with the Federal Government to help citizens recover lost money. Many people don't know, but they may have forgotten values in old or closed bank accounts.

It is important to highlight that, although most people have forgotten small amounts, it is common to find cases in which citizens manage to recover R$ 1,000 or more, especially if the money is invested in savings or funds who have accumulated income over time.

Where does the Central Bank get these values?

The Central Bank conducts a thorough search across multiple sources to identify forgotten amounts. Check out the main sources where these balances are found below:

  • Remaining balances of undue charges bank fees and credit installments.
  • Current accounts closed or forgotten.
  • Closed savings that were not balconies.
  • Capital quotas and distribution of net surpluses in credit unions.
  • Values invested and not redeemed.
  • Groups of consortium that were extinguished and did not have their values sought.

Despite the ease of accessing and recovering funds, many people still leave their money aside. The main reason is the lack of knowledge about the official platform of the Central Bank to check forgotten balances.

The process is simple, safe and can result in the discovery of significant amounts, which makes all the difference in the financial planning of many Brazilians.

It is estimated that thousands of Brazilians have at least a forgotten bank account. According to the Central Bank, the forgotten amounts total more than R$ 8 billion.

Although most of the amounts are small, there are reports of people who have managed to recover more than R$ 1,000 by checking values by CPF.

THE Receivables System (SVR) is an official platform developed by the Central Bank. It allows any person or company to consult, free of charge, amounts that have been forgotten in:

  • Old current accounts;
  • Savings closed;
  • Other financial resources in banking institutions and cooperatives.

The tool is valid for both individuals as legal, guaranteeing full recovery of lost money.

Yes, beneficiaries who enroll in ENEM will be entitled to receive an even higher amount as a form of benefit and incentive to seek better living conditions through higher education. It is of great importance that society becomes aware and is encouraged to complete high school and start college.

Follow the instructions below to check lost amounts using your CPF or CNPJ:

  1. Access the official website of the Central Bank using a computer or smartphone. The link is available in the button at the end of the page.
  2. Select document type:
    • CPF (for individuals).
    • CNPJ (for companies).
  3. Enter your CPF or CNPJ number and check that it is correct before proceeding.
  4. Fill in your date of birth (for CPF) or the company opening date (for CNPJ).
  5. Enter CAPTCHA code displayed on the screen. This code is a security test to prevent the use of robots and automated systems.
  6. Click on “Consult”. Done! The system will inform you if there are any forgotten amounts in your name and how to proceed to recover them.